• Quest For Wellness, LLC

    Meadow Sweet – Fillipendula Ulmaria


    Supportive therapy for colds, cough and bronchitus. Native Americans used as a love charm. Queen of Prarie equivalant for kidney and bladder problems. Do not use if allergic to aspirin.  One oz dropper bottle.

    Our quality herbal tinctures are unique for fresh, traditionally made herbal tinctures – a cut above the ordinary. As with all products we provide high quality medicines that transcend the basic dietary supplements found in the local stores.
    Our growers do not use any chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides or herbicides. In order to provide the best medicine possible, each plant is inspected and picked at its’ optimal time; maintained with the strictest of standards and quality control, with Native respect. All our tinctures are made from fresh and healthy plants., free of lower quality grain alcohol.

  • Quest For Wellness, LLC

    Marshmallow – Althacea Officinalis

    1  oz  (29.6 ml) dropper bottle

    This plants beneficial emollient and palliative properties give it a generally broad and non-specific use for many applications.  In part, because  and fluids and membranous mucosa and similar tissue is throughout our entire body and involved in many functions.  Such as kidneys and lungs, cellular activity and mucosa associated tissue such as digestive or alimentary canal, brain and spinal dura /meninges and myelin sheath

    • Soothing and anti-inflammatory for the digestive tract and colon.  Soothing and moistening the mucosa – Chron’s, Colitis
    • Balancing for fluids and solids also a Kidney remedy – cases of “No thirst” or inability to force fluids coupled with systemic dryness.  Or cases of extreme thirst and copious urination.
    • Painful scanty urination
    • As with gravel in kidneys and dried constipation in bowels, marshmallow as an emollient can soften and breakup hard tissue
    • Diuretic
    • Chemotherapy


  • Placeholder

    Lungwort – Pulmonaria Officinalis

    For spotted or damaged lungs.  This is a favorite of Margo’s in Compound Respiratory Blends depending on the Tissue state & Energetics of the individual.

    One oz dropper bottle.

  • Placeholder

    Lobelia – Lobelia Inflata

    The miracle plant for correcting intestinal spasms or cramps. A stress releaser that helps people who are trying to quit smoking or if your eye twitches from stress. If you own a horse that colics, it could save its life.

    One oz dropper bottle.

  • Lemon Balm – Melissa Officinalis

    Lemon Balm, 1 oz (29.6 ml) GF.

    Multiple traditional uses such as nervousness and insomnia insomnia, nervousness, heart palpitation, high blood pressure and stomach churning. For fever and flu, especially in children. Vomiting and migraines.


  • Quest For Wellness, LLC

    Lavender – Lavendula Anguvstifolia

    For insomnia, nervousness and loss of appetite. In a bath, it helps with circulatory problems and soothes varicose veins.

    One oz dropper bottle.

  • Quest For Wellness, LLC

    Lambs Ear – Stachys Byzantina

    This plant belongs to the family of woundworts. It is a disinfectant, antispasmodic and a cure for wounds. Helps with dizziness, fever and menstrual cramps.

    One oz dropper bottle.

  • Placeholder

    Lady’s Mantle – Alchemilla Vulgaris

    Inhibits tumors. For menapausal complaints. Helps women after child birth to tone flabby muscles. For deep infections in passageways such as ears and vagina. “Slims the figure” after lactation as well.

    One oz dropper bottle.

  • Quest For Wellness, LLC

    Horsetail – Equisetum Hyemele

    A remedy for damaged nerves. For lower back pain and teething babies. Native Americans use Horsetail for kidney and bladder problems. Not to be used if you have edema from a heart disorder.

    One oz dropper bottle.

  • Quest For Wellness, LLC

    Horehound – Marrubium Vulgate

    Used in making cough drops. Helps with cough and sore throat. Horehound can be used as a gargle. Mix the tincture with water and gargle that sore throat away.

    One oz dropper bottle.

  • Quest For Wellness, LLC

    Hepatica – Hepatica Americana

    Age old liver tonic, so effective, it almost went into extinction.

    One oz dropper bottle.

  • Placeholder

    Hawthorn Berry – Crataegus

    Used for Lowering  high cholesterol. Improves heart muscle tone.

    One oz dropper bottle.
