Soothes damaged nerves. For severed nerve damage from accidents or surgery. Sedative used for anxiety and for depression. Can sun burn easily when taking this. Photosensitive.
Belongs to the lily family. Formerly used for lung ailments but found to be one of the top ranking joint remedies for both humans and animals. Anti-inflamitory.
When life’s experiences has gone beyond mental and nerve control. A sensitive nerve tonic. For epilepsy, insommnia and rabies; hence called Mad Dog Skull Cap.
Mild stimulant, antiseptic, astringent and tonic. Traditional remedy for dry sore throat. It aids digestion and utilization of fats and oils. It plumps up withered tissue. For weak kidneys (light, frequent, copious urination), hormonal regulation, menopause, hot sweats, liver/pancreas balance, blood sugar swings, diabetic ulcerations and varicose veins.
An antisepic and anti inflammatory. Used for putrid discharges and smelly, deteriorating tissue. Specific for mononucleosis and for those that have “never been well since mononucleosis”. Remedy for chronic fatigue and lymphatics that swell in the throat.
A traditional remedy for low thyroid, adrenals and sex hormones due to low anterior pituitary function. For lack of energy, weight gain, infertility, edema, sugar craving, and adult onset diabetes.
The Wild Carrot seed considered as a Pituitary stimulant, acts on the endocrine/hormonal cascade of both thyroid and kidneys and sex hormones. It removes water weight by stimulating the kidneys, melting away fat by stimulating the thyroid. So is considered a diuretic. By stimulating urine and removing deposited minerals to move out of tissues it is also determined, antilithic. Meaning it aids to remove excessive mineralization deposits from the body associated with arthritis and kidney stones.
Digestive discomforts – difficulty assimilating minerals, oils/fatty acids, and food ferments in stomach
Water retention and Weight gain – Beer Belly
Gout / Arthritic Back Pain
Do not take when pregnant or try to become pregnant. Do not take with acute Kidney inflammation.