Multiple traditional uses such as nervousness and insomnia insomnia, nervousness, heart palpitation, high blood pressure and stomach churning. For fever and flu, especially in children. Vomiting and migraines.
This plant belongs to the family of woundworts. It is a disinfectant, antispasmodic and a cure for wounds. Helps with dizziness, fever and menstrual cramps.
Inhibits tumors. For menapausal complaints. Helps women after child birth to tone flabby muscles. For deep infections in passageways such as ears and vagina. “Slims the figure” after lactation as well.
A remedy for damaged nerves. For lower back pain and teething babies. Native Americans use Horsetail for kidney and bladder problems. Not to be used if you have edema from a heart disorder.
Used in making cough drops. Helps with cough and sore throat. Horehound can be used as a gargle. Mix the tincture with water and gargle that sore throat away.
Otherwise known as Joe Pye Weed. The root of the plant is for the removal of stones in the kidneys. Clears out infection in the urinary tract and also is used for prostate cancer.